Becca told me to post 7 lines from the 7th page of something I wrote.
I never have a long enough attention span to write 7 pages, apparently, so here is a random (and only approximately) 7 lines:
He meditatively gulped from his tankard, then choked. “Well, your first blessing will be that your wine will always be better than this. In fact, lets make it interesting; you will have the finest spiced wine, so fine that it will be something entirely on its own. Yes, that seems like a good blessing. You should call it something good. Come up with a good name, will you? I will think of two more blessings.” They sat meditating for a while, until Tobligundaremusartolimew XVII stated, “I have the name. The drink should be called after someone, and since Tobligundaremusartolimew XVII is a little too mu-” “TOBLI-WHAT? Well I know what your second blessing will be…” “-too much, I will call it Throob.”
XD That is awesome. You are such a good writer.